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Iris Global Companies Insurance and Finance Companies Health Services Geriatric Medical Consultation Service
Consulta médico geriátrica

Geriatric Medical Appointments

With this service, the elderly may call any of the many doctors in our network 24 hours a day to be in direct and immediate contact with a healthcare professional.

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With IRIS GLOBAL, your clients have the peace of mind of a geriatric telephone consultation.

Advice from a doctor can be very comforting when suffering from some type of pain and immediate care may sometimes be enough to get relief from the symptoms. For example, a person may be beginning some type of treatment and they have questions or fears about the new side effects they’re feeling. This service is of great help if the person also has no other resources to face their fears right then and there.

Advantages of the service

Consulta médico geriátrico
  • Immediate telephone consultation with healthcare professionals.
  • Specialized advisory services for elderly patients
  • Team of professionals who specialize in physical, mental, functional and social illnesses in the elderly
  • Acute, chronic, rehabilitation, preventive and palliative care.
  • Aimed at the elderly who begin to have symptoms of a pathology.

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