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Iris Global Companies Insurance and Finance Companies Health Services Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Services
Evaluación geriátrica

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Services

We live in a society in which life expectancy is increasing and many times primary hospital care cannot solve all of our seniors’ problems. That’s why our company offers a comprehensive geriatric assessment service.
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Multidimensional diagnostic process

Comprehensive geriatric assessment is a process by which medical, functional, mental and social problems and capacity is diagnosed in the elderly to design a treatment and monitoring plan that is capable of enhancing the quality of life of the person assessed by halting or minimizing the consequences of any problems detected through the assessment.
To design this assessment and monitoring plan, we have multidisciplinary teams that use assessment scales and surveys as part of the diagnostic and treatment process, thus providing the best possible care quality to each senior.
In short, we detect the risks of deterioration in the elderly to provide them with the care and monitoring they need to improve their quality of life.

Advantages of the service Advantages of the service

Evaluación geriátrica general
  • Multi-dimensional diagnostic process (functional, cognitive, affective, clinical and social)
  • Treatment plan, rehabilitation and monitoring
  • Better quality of life for each person based on their own situation.

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