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Iris Global Companies Insurance and Finance Companies Health Services Telefone Medical Care Service
Atención médica telefónica

Telefone Medical Care Service

The new technologies allow us to be closer to each other and we can take advantage of them to access medical advice and consultations immediately without leaving home.

With this service, your customers may access an extensive network of providers without having to leave their home. They’ll feel more secure and at peace with medical answers by phone that will guide them in relation to their symptoms and resolve any doubts they have about medications.

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Peace of mind for those with chronic illnesses or under treatment

Likewise, this service can be of great help to people who are outside their country of origin and have difficulties accessing the foreign country’s healthcare system.

It can also be appropriate for those with some type of chronic disease such as asthma or high blood pressure so they can immediately find out if the appearance of new symptoms requires immediate medical care.

Advantages of the service

Atención médica telefónica
  • Telephone medical care
  • Highly useful for people with chronic diseases or people who are outside their country and cannot easily access the healthcare system.
  • Medical advice on treatments for people with chronic diseases.

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