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Iris Global Companies Other Sectors Health Services Caretaker Training Services
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Caretaker Training Services

Training is important in any field, but when it comes to the work of a caretaker, specialization and preparation are essential.

There are many benefits to having specialized training in elderly care for caretakers and the person receiving care as well as their families.

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Peace of mind for your client and their families

Knowing mobilization strategies, knowing how to detect needs in the person under their care, knowing how to manage and prioritize work overload and transmit a sense of peace to family members are some of the benefits you’ll be able to offer your customers with this training.

Advantages of the service

Formación a cuidadores
  • This is a service for people who look after patients with illnesses or diseases included on a list agreed upon with the customer (i.e. dependence in the elderly, diabetes or hyperactivity in children).
  • A team of healthcare professionals analyses each case to personalize the caretaker’s training needs and prepare a personalized plan. Adapted didactic material is sent and telephone contact is made to develop the program and answer any questions.
  • The program may include face-to-face activities at the caretaker’s home.

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