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Iris Global Brokers
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Iris Global Brokers

We’d like to become a strategic partner for brokers and help them grow and stand out in the market.
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Differential Benefits

servicio personalizado de Iris Global
Personalized Offers
Advising and guidance to offer your insured customers the best response.
servicio personalizado de Iris Global
Strategic Partner
Every offer is different from another as they adapt to each customer’s needs.
servicio personalizado de Iris Global
High quality standards
We work for the trust our customers have placed in us

List of bouquets

icono Travel


We have a personalized product to protect the insured with the best cover during travel
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icono Legal


You’ll have legal advisory services for your insured customers.
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señor con traje

Would you like to work with us?

If you’re still not working with us, you can send us the form below (Register) and we’ll contact you.
  • Comprehensive travel and legal defence insurance solutions.
  • Extensive experience in the travel and legal insurance.
  • Network of national and international collaborators.

Last News

Icono de la categoría persona echandose hidrogel en las manos

New ways of traveling

Travel 03-09-2021
Covid-19 has brought us a new vision of the world and the most typical habits that we carry out every day.
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Icono de la categoría SafeTravels de Iris Global.

SafeTravels, today more than ever.

Travel 17-11-2021
SafeTravels, the Integral safety concept for travel.
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Icono de la categoría teletrabajo webinar

Webinar for our mediators

Travel 05-05-2021
Technology at the service of training: Webinar for our Mediators
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