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Iris Global Companies Insurance and Finance Companies Travel Insurances
seguro de viaje de trabajo Iris Global

Travel Assistance Insurance for your Insured

Iris Global's Travel Assistance and Roadside Assistance products allow you to be at the side of your policyholders knowing that you have a leading brand in Assistance for your clients.
Our Travel products adapt to the needs of each person and situation, so you have an unlimited offer of products for your clients' trips.
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When your policyholders need you most

This is the best roadside assistance service that your policyholders need to travel with the greatest peace of mind. Accompany your policyholders on their trips and resolve any possible contingencies that prevent them from continuing on their journey. In the event of an accident, breakdown or theft of the vehicle, while traveling and within the national territory.

Reinsurance/Insurance Travel Assistance

We can act as an insurer or reinsurer, providing strength to your company and peace of mind to your policyholders.
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