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Iris Global Companies Other Sectors Health Services Senior Medical Assistance Services
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Senior Medical Assistance Services

In-home medical care for the elderly when they can’t easily travel to a healthcare centre near their home. This service offers patients convenience as they don’t have to leave their home or wait in waiting rooms.

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Care for the elderly

We have professionals who go to the home of the person needing care to help with in-home care and medical advising with the utmost guarantees.

Advantages of the service

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  • PEACE AND TRUST: Your customers will have access to a professional who will manage their care, improving their day-to-day and bringing family members peace and trust knowing they are in goods hands.
  • ADAPTATION TO THE CUSTOMER: We adapt to each customer’s needs. They are served at their own home to prevent unnecessary travel and contact with undesirable external agents.
  • SERVICE PROFESSIONALISM: We have the most highly-trained healthcare professionals who specialize in caring for the elderly.

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