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Iris Global Companies Insurance and Finance Companies Health Insurances Health reinsurance
Reaseguro salud

Health Reinsurance/Insurance

At Iris Global we are experts in collaborating with insurance and financial companies, providing a wide range of health coverage.
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Why choose Iris Global?

We have health professionals prepared to provide a quality service that provides well-being and tranquility to your clients. Iris Global puts at your disposal the largest medical team. With the best health professionals and medical centers to offer you the best care.

Advantages of Reinsurance

reaseguro salud
  • Medical team with the best specialists.
  • Medical centers so that your clients can choose the one that best suits their needs.
  • All medical specialties available to your clients.
  • Your clients will have health services that they can contract by going to your company. Iris Global will act at all times as a white label.
  • Your company will be able to offer health services to both employees and customers.
  • Iris Global can offer medical services of the most complete health specialties for your clients and your employees.

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