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Iris Global Companies Insurance and Finance Companies Health Services
medicos sonriendo


We offer a wide range of health services for your clients, with the experience of the best professionals and the quality services offered by the best reference centers in the country that have the most complete advances in technology on the market.
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Access to Network Providers

We have a health, dental and well-being service that provides your clients with the best private medicine.
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Homecare and Remote Care Assistance Services

Your clients will have the peace of mind of having a health professional in their own home whenever they need it.
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Second Medical Opinion Service

We have the best health professionals and agreements with specialized clinics
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Senior Medical Care Service

This service provides the comfort of the patient not having to leave home or wait in a medical room.
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Geriatric Medical Appointments

The elderly person will be able to access the telephone consultation they need with an extensive medical chart and 24 hours a day
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Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Services

From our company we offer the comprehensive geriatric assessment service.
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Services for Minors (Second Psychological Diagnosis and Care)

Si uno de sus clientes ya ha visto a un psicólogo para expresar alguna preocupación sobre su hijo, es posible que necesite confirmar el diagnóstico. Con este servicio podrás ofrecer una segunda opinión, para poder tomar una mejor decisión.
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Caretaker Training Service

Knowing the mobilization strategies, knowing how to detect the needs of the person in charge, knowing how to manage and prioritize work overloads and transmitting peace of mind to family members are some of the benefits that you can offer your clients with this training.
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Atención psicológica

Telephone Psychological Care Service

Offer your policyholders a telephone psychological support service where they can communicate with specialized professionals.
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Telephone Medical Care Service

Your clients will be able to access an extensive medical list without having to move from their home.
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Atención médica telefónica
imagen tobos de ensayo

Health Pharmacogenetics Service

Personalized medicine service, consists of being able to anticipate the efficacy or potential toxicity of some drugs commonly used in serious illnesses.
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