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Iris Global Companies Other Sectors Legal Services Online Early Last Will and Testament Service

Online Early Last Will and Testament Service

We advise your customers and process their living will, a document advancing their wishes. 
When your customers need to, they can leave a record of their will as concerns medical treatments they wish to undergo or no in the event of a terminal illness (when the illness makes them unable to communicate or prostrates them).

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We offer a personalized service so that your clients can have the best help in the most complicated moments of their lives.

One of these times is no doubt when thinking about preparing a written testament or reflecting one’s final will.

Advantages of the service

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  • Our main objective is for customers to fully trust in your company at the most decisive times in your life.
  • We can process the document to establish in advanceyour customer’s will as concerns their choice of medical procedures and healthcare in the event they become incapacitated, unconscious or do not have the faculties for proper communication.
  • Comprehensive advising as we resolve all possible questions that may arise when creating a living will

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