Your customers may call a psychologist immediately for care without having to leave their home.
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Iris Global Companies Insurance and Finance Companies Health Services Telephone Psychological Care Service
Atención psicológica telefónica

Telephone Psychological Care Service

With us, you’ll be able to offer your insured telephone psychological support through which they can communicate with specialist professionals, psychologists and physical therapists who will listen to them and orient them to find a solution to their problem. They may also get advice to find the most adequate professional to treat their problem in-depth.

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Specialized psychologists for your insured

At times, certain personal or professional circumstances can put a person in a situation of anguish and uncertainty and they don’t always have the tools to overcome the situation. This service will help your insured be able to manage these emotions in the best way possible.

Advantages of the service

Atención psicológica telefónica
  • Support, advice and psychological guidance in different situations:
  • Your customers may call a psychologist immediately for care without having to leave their home.

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