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Iris Global Individuals Health and Wellbeing Service
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Health and Wellbeing Service

Private Medicine without waiting, at the best price, and paying when you need it.
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servicio personalizado de Iris Global

+10,000 Health Care Services

You access consultations, check-ups, diagnostic and surgical tests at the best private clinics and hospitals in Spain.
servicio personalizado de Iris Global

No fees

You pay only for the treatment you need when you need it
servicio personalizado de Iris Global

No waiting list

Buy, book an appointment and avoid waiting lists.
servicio personalizado de Iris Global

You will have special discounts

With all the details of prices and services included.
 Icono ramo Salud


If you are a Santalucia customer and want to have information about your qualified medical chart, call 900 242 020 and we will inform you
Servicios para salud

¿Podemos ayudarte?


Llama 917 700 710

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