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Iris Global Individuals Funeral Assistance Integral Management of Deaths
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Funeral Assistance Services

At IRIS GLOBAL, we provide comprehensive funeral assistance services.
When a person dies, not knowing where to begin or what to do is quite common. Besides the pain of losing a loved one, there’s an entire administrative process which is unknown to most. Iris Global helps you comprehensively manage all procedures related to a person’s death.
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The Funeral Assistance Service is designed to help families at those difficult times.

Administrative procedures, goodbyes, deciding whether incineration or burial is best... There’s a whole series of choices that must be analyzed and considered based on the deceased’s wishes as well as the budget available at the time, which is often not expected. The Funeral Assistance Service is designed to help families at those difficult times.

This service is not limited to issues related strictly funeral related items like burial and flowers; it also includes other services such as psychological care, legal assistance and digital wills. We also have agents who can help families and facilitate all the documentation process as much as possible all while answering all your questions.

Explanatory documents

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Support to Iris Global families

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Quick guide for families

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