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Iris Global Corporate News New ways of traveling

New ways of traveling

Travel 03-09-2021
persona echandose hidrogel en las manos
Currently, it is imperative to be well informed of local, national and international requirements related to the COVID-19 pandemic before traveling.
our area of residence may have restricted movements (e.g. perimeter closures) and the regulations and recommendations in force at any given time must be followed.
In addition, the requirements change very frequently, making it necessary to be vigilant and repeat information searches. Special attention must be paid to both the exact type of tests accepted by the authorities and the time frame in which the tests must be performed prior to travel; in many cases they are required to be performed within 72 hours, but there may be other periods.
Once the tests admitted by the Authorities and the deadlines for their performance are known, it is necessary to look for a health center that offers them. Usually it will be a private center because the public health system does not specifically provide this service.
If you have travel assistance insurance or private health insurance, it is advisable to contact them because some offer information on centers for testing and access to them at discounted prices. Only if the results are negative, you can travel. If the results are positive, the trip will be cancelled and you should contact the health center for assessment and management of the case.
Traveling is still complicated at the beginning of 2021, and diagnostic tests are now one of the key elements to be able to travel to many destinations.
Our travel assistance insurance for both individuals and companies, now have specific coverage Covid-19, as well as an individualized medical advice Covid-19 where, in addition to providing information and answer questions, customers will be advised if required analytical realization before the trip and if necessary, will make a prescription for the insured to have access to a network of concerted laboratories with prices below market prices. 
The service also includes the interpretation of the results of the tests performed and the issuance of a report in Spanish and English, which can be useful for health authorities and transport companies. With these new coverages, we continue our close collaboration with professional mediation in order to offer value to our clients in these complicated times.

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