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Iris Global Corporate News Webinar for our mediators

Webinar for our mediators

Travel Wed May 05 10:56:32 UTC 2021
teletrabajo webinar
Continuous training and innovation as a tool to train our teams is essential. Thus, from Iris Global we are carrying out a series of trainings aimed especially at our insurance intermediaries through video calls and webinars. Continuous training and innovation as a tool to train our teams is essential. Thus, from Iris Global we are carrying out a series of trainings aimed especially at our insurance intermediaries through video calls and webinars.
This round of webinars is being held at the various Insurance Mediator Associations and major industry associations to present the impact on international travel expected from the Covid19 vaccination campaigns.
In these trainings, quality technical information is provided to understand the possible scenarios that may occur, taking into account vaccination campaigns and "vaccination passports" as well as the coverage and services necessary to undertake these trips in this new situation. In these trainings, quality technical information is provided to understand the possible scenarios that may occur, taking into account vaccination campaigns and "vaccination passports" as well as the coverage and services necessary to undertake these trips in this new situation.
The objective is to enable mediators to anticipate situations, needs and solutions for their clients in the field of travel assistance.The objective is to enable mediators to anticipate situations, needs and solutions for their clients in the field of travel assistance.

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