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Iris Global Corporate Press room Iris Global transforms its strategy on its Talent website: 'Confident in being your future'

Iris Global transforms its strategy on its Talent website: 'Confident in being your future'

corporate Tue Dec 05 09:24:03 UTC 2023
web talento Seguros de ser tu futuro
Iris Global, a specialist in comprehensive assistance, redesigns the talent section of its website, including its Employee Value Proposition, as part of its comprehensive strategy to attract and retain the best talent in the insurance sector. This initiative materializes in a 100% responsive landing page with intuitive navigation, reflecting the company's commitment to staying at the forefront of attracting new talent.
Under the slogan 'Confident in being your future,' the value proposition is based on seven pillars that encompass Iris Global's relationship model with its employees:
Culture: At Iris Global, we have a clear focus on people, basing our culture on service and care for others, promoting unity, teamwork, creativity, innovation, and excellence. We aim to offer a unique work environment.
Closeness: We advocate for a culture of feedback, fostering relationships based on closeness and creating communication spaces that allow us to improve people's daily lives.
Memorable Experiences: We create unique and meaningful experiences that encourage a dynamic and collaborative work environment.
Recognition: We value and acknowledge the team's work, fostering a culture of recognition.
Leadership: At Iris Global, we understand the importance of having good leaders in the teams, and for this, we work on various actions and development programs that strengthen our leadership style.
Health, Well-being, and Work-Life Balance: We are aware of the importance of creating healthy work environments and therefore care for the well-being of individuals both inside and outside the company.
Talent Development: Within Iris Global, there are continuous training and learning opportunities, as well as various development programs to drive professional growth.
Iris Global's commitment to its employees has been recognized with the Top Employer and Family-Responsible Company certifications, demonstrating the company's and its management team's commitment to creating a work environment where equal opportunities, work-life balance, and professional growth prevail. With this new talent website, we seek the best talent because we are confident in being their future. Discover the new website by clicking here.

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