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Iris Global Corporate Press room The Iris Global CERES mentoring program successfully ends

The Iris Global CERES mentoring program successfully ends

For your day to day Thu May 25 08:51:38 UTC 2023
cierre mentoring CERES

The company has organized this six-month program together with the Spanish Mentoring Network Ceres is the goddess of Roman mythology who represents crops and fertility.

In the same way, a mentor sows her knowledge in another person and cultivates her wisdom to reap the fruits. For this reason, Iris Global wanted to pay homage to the goddess with the CERES program, led by the Spanish Mentoring Network, which ended yesterday with the closing Workshop and which began last October. Thus, the company continues to innovate to achieve one of its main objectives: to promote young female talent. Mentoring is a practice through which one person facilitates the development of another through the exchange of their own resources, knowledge, values, skills, perspectives, attitudes and competencies. Mentoring allows mentors to develop skills and knowledge that will help them achieve the goals that they define.

On the other hand, the mentor offers the opportunity to develop new perspectives, ask new questions, learn other concerns and points of view, and expand their personal and professional vision. On this closing day, everything learned over the six-month duration of the program was reviewed and the corresponding certificates of participation were delivered.

 During the program, 13 leading women with experience of more than 10 years, with a deep desire to help and share their experience and who are recognized for their knowledge and experiences in terms of leadership, attended on a voluntary basis as mentors. Throughout the process, the methodology, tools and training of the Spanish Mentoring Network has been supported. For their part, the 13 mentored women met the requirements required to participate in the program, such as children under 40 years of age, more than 1 year of seniority and with an excellent performance evaluation.

“Thanks to this program, our employees have been able to improve their development process, in addition to their self-esteem and motivation. And for the company, it has meant an improvement in the work environment and a sign that we want to offer different things and retain talent,” said Maite Maroto, CEO of Iris Global. During the session, the presentation was enjoyed by Esther Checa, Director of Innovation at t2ó and one of the women included in the Top 100 Spanish Women Leaders 2023 ranking.

“Mentoring is a valuable tool for organizations, since it boosts young talent and provides mentors themselves with a closer vision of the reality experienced by mentors, so that everyone benefits and creates long-term collaboration synergies”.

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