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Iris Global Corporate News Ecological Funeral

Ecological Funeral

Funeral Thu May 13 13:04:27 UTC 2021
Mano plantando una semilla
The funeral sector takes into account that the products they offer have advanced according to the concerns we currently have,  we are taking a step further to take care of both ours and the environment.
Therefore, it is important that whenever we want to hire a service,us know the information and what it can do for our environment.
  • Less environmental impact
Eco-friendly cremations and caskets:biodegradable urns   and other environmental options that reduce the impact after death  they are highly demanded alternatives by most of the entities of this country
These are more environmentally friendly processes than traditional funeralso and and they pretend to get an ecological farewell
The ecological damage from funerals and cremations is high every day there are more options that try to respect nature when it comes to saying goodbye to a family member.
Environmentally friendly cremations
  • Return to earth
An option that allows you to spend less fuel and generate less carbon dioxide  is alkaline hydrolysis  Also called water incineration.
It consists of dissolving the body in water, it has not yet arrived in Spain it is legal in some parts of the United States and Canada. As in incineration, after alkaline hydrolysis there are remains that families can keep in an urn or spread in a special place. The process generates a lot of slimy organic liquid that has some practical uses
  • The Ecological cemeteries
You probably don't know about this variation of cemeteries that is growing right now.
We are at a time where the most important thing is sustainability, recycling is part of our lives we give a lot of importance to recycling things.
The ecological cemeteries are in the United Kingdom, the United States or Australia since they are more advanced in this type of matter.

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