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Iris Global Corporate News Innovation in death management

Innovation in death management

Funeral Mon May 24 06:33:08 UTC 2021
blog decesos
As shown in the study, it is already a reality that the profile of customers and their needs have been changing in the funeral sector. As in all other areas that offer services, innovation and new options are vital for the customer to feel fully supported within the service.
In fact, a company dedicated to this service must be able to offer families the possibilities that best suit their preferences and budgets. Otherwise, we will only find ourselves with an obsolete company, which does not provide a current offer.

What are these innovations?

Technology is a tool to be taken into account in practically any field. It is already incorporated in one way or another in almost all the different work sectors, and it has the greatest impact on traditional media.
This is no exception in the funeral industry. Technology is also a big change, even though a considerable percentage of companies still do not consider it an indispensable part of their service.

Advanced analytics tools

Advanced analytics tools could lead to faster customer segmentation; and would allow for the localization of market niches, detection of customer leakage propensity, and tighter pricing. It would also allow companies to profile in more detail which customers most need their service, and what features they tend to need them to include.
However, incorporating a technological tool into our funeral service may not be easy. Nowadays, most companies tend to see themselves as sufficiently prepared to incorporate these resources, but we are not always able to take advantage of their full potential.
So implementing technology in our projects could also involve collaboration with an insurtech. These companies are an emerging and certainly revolutionary business in the assistance sector. Their methodology consists of using new technologies and their different tools to optimize the product and service that we finally offer to the client.

Online services

The increase in technological procedures would also allow part of the service to be developed digitally. That is to say, the company would have a digital support that would open new ways of communication with the families. This alternation between assistance and digital service would create a quite complete and direct support with the client. On the other hand, it would also help the creation of more mobile Apps that allow customers to easily and efficiently manage some aspects of the service by themselves.
Además, la tecnología no solo tendría porque ser algo complementario. La situación actual, debido al COVID, nos ha demostrado que la posibilidad de un funeral online debe ser factible. De esta forma todas las familias podrán asistir, aunque no sea presencialmente, a la despedida del fallecido.
Influencing the conservation of the planet The preservation of the environment is no longer a technological issue, but one of the most debated topics today. From different parts of the world, more and more initiatives are being launched to help preserve the planet, and to stop pollution. Unfortunately, funeral rites have a negative impact on this preservation.
Therefore, green funerals are an innovation that more and more companies wish to obtain. This issue has also attracted different alternatives, from ecological "urns" so that the container is biodegradable, to "green cemeteries" so that burials are only made in natural places.
However, none of the possibilities yet allow for a 100% environmentally friendly funeral. In any case, the various measures are increasingly being studied by funeral service companies in search of a definitive solution. Moreover, despite not being totally ecofriendly, the entities that have included some of these measures in their services have considerably reduced their environmental impact. Influencing the preservation of the planet The preservation of the environment is no longer a technological issue, but one of the most debated topics today.
From different parts of the world more and more initiatives to help conserve the planet, and leave pollution aside, are becoming known. Unfortunately, funeral rites have a negative impact on this preservation.
Therefore, green funerals are an innovation that more and more companies wish to obtain. This issue has also attracted different alternatives, from ecological "urns" so that the container is biodegradable, to "green cemeteries" so that burials are only made in natural places.
However, none of the possibilities yet allow for a 100% environmentally friendly funeral. In any case, the various measures are increasingly being studied by funeral service companies in search of a definitive solution. Moreover, despite not being totally ecofriendly, the entities that have included some of these measures in their services have considerably reduced their environmental impact.

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