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Iris Global Corporate News Maite Maroto at the Women's Leadership Summit of the Woman's Week Foundation

Maite Maroto at the Women's Leadership Summit of the Woman's Week Foundation

Maite Maroto en la Cumbre de Liderazgo Femenino de la Fundación 
Woman´s Week
The general director of Iris Global, Maite Maroto, participated this Tuesday, March 2, in the first day of the XXII edition of Madrid Woman's Week 2022. An event that brought together directors from different companies and senior officials from institutions such as the Civil Guard in order to put on the table ideas and initiatives to break the glass ceiling in the world of work, while exposing themselves as references for future generations.
Accompanied by Paloma Real, General Director of Mastercard Spain; Laura Gómez, Lieutenant Colonel, Head of the Equality and Diversity Area and the Civil Guard's Technical Office; and Cristina Llorens, director of Madrid and Strategic Business and Communication Directorate of the Insurance Development Institute (IDDEAS), Maite Maroto shared part of her initial experience as general director of Iris Global.
“When I started in the insurance industry, I discovered that virtually all management positions were held by men. In the service sector from which it came, it is not like that. In fact, in the Executive Committee of the Santalucía Group, I am still the only woman. This reveals all the way to go until there is real representation at the top." And he adds, “we are aware that the high level of self-demand is often a handicap when applying for high positions. Men, in general, do not need to feel that they have everything under control to accept great challenges, they are more used to taking risks. Very important, in any case, is that girls and young people have references that inspire them”, explained Maroto.
“What we see clearly is that in order for women to reach the top, they must first occupy intermediate positions. To this end, we know that conciliation measures, such as the mixed model of teleworking that we have just agreed with the union representatives, or parity in sick leave for newborn care, help women to maintain and advance in their careers, without having to to give up motherhood”, concluded Maroto.

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