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Iris Global Corporate Blog Tips to take care of your diet in summer Iris Global

Tips to take care of your diet in summer Iris Global

cómo cuidar la alimentación en verano
When summer and heat arrive, we go on vacation and we usually put aside the healthy habits that we have been maintaining throughout the year. We tell you how you can have healthier habits in your diet in a very simple way during this summer.

Hydration in summer

You have to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, to replace the fluid lost from the body, especially if the temperatures are very high. Drink water before, during and after doing any physical activity or sport. Food is a great source of water, especially raw fruits and vegetables, also in summer there is a greater variety of these, and due to the high temperatures it is more appetizing to eat them than at other times of the year, so we must take advantage of introducing them in all our meals, in salads, breakfast snacks and even desserts.

Balanced diet in summer

We must continue to maintain a balanced diet, consuming the same nutrients and vitamins as in winter, but now in summer we can find them in other types of food. We can take the opportunity to prepare delicious salads with all kinds of vegetables and include potatoes and legumes.
You should always ensure that the options to choose are appropriate and not only based on foods rich in sugar and/or fat, such as certain fried tapas, snacks, soft drinks, sweets, etc.

Avoid excesses in summer


Try to eat a balanced diet. and that makes it possible to maintain an optimal state of health, providing less energy than we spend, take advantage of it to make light meals that do not require much preparation, such as fruit or vegetable juices and rich desserts with citrus fruits and yogurt. Also take advantage of the heat to prepare gazpachos, infusions or cold soups, but remember that it is not advisable to drink or eat very cold foods, as the sensation of thirst is lessened faster when frozen foods are consumed.

Sweets and ice cream only occasionally


​ Ice creams, although they are very refreshing in summer, only provide empty calories and sugars, so it is not recommended that you include them in your diet on a daily basis. It is recommended that its consumption be occasional, controlled and that its nutritional composition be known.

Limit consumption of red meat


We must moderate the consumption of red meat and replace it with fish, preferably oily fish. ​