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Iris Global Corporate Blog
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Articles of interest for all of our customers: companies, consultants and individuals. We want to offer value without forgetting to position IRIS GLOBAL as a reference brand in the care and insurance sector.
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News Blog

Stay up to date with our blog articles, you will find all the information of interest related to assistance.
global iris technology

Innovation in death management

Within the study carried out by ICEA, Burial Insurance: future situation and trends - 2020 Evolution, aspects related to this technological evolution and its impact on the Burial service are highlighted.
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niña en cementerio

Death service management

This service has special characteristics that are needed in delicate moments,
& This service has some fundamental elements that distinguish it from others. ;
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imagen impacto tecnología

Death services and the impact of technology

Technology is a sector in full growth of growth. All sectors that wish to be updated have technological improvements and adaptations of their different projects to the digital world.
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Prepara tu terraza para el verano

Como preparar tu terraza para la primavera

Ha llegado el buen tiempo y ya puedes disfrutar de tu terraza, ten en cuenta algunos consejos para conseguirlo de manera muy sencilla. 
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Como adaptar la casa al verano

Consejos para adaptar tu hogar al calor Iris Global

Te enseñamos algunos trucos para que tengas tu hogar fresco y agradable durante el verano
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Los valores de una marca en tu oficina

Es muy importante que una oficina refleje todos los valores de la identidad de la marca a la que representa. En Iris Global te contamos el porqué y cómo puedes conseguirlo. . 
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