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Iris Global Brokers Travel assistance insurance companies Legal Defence Insurance for Smes and the Self-Employed
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Legal Defence Insurance for Smes and the Self-Employed

An insurance adapted to the needs of SMEs and Self-Employed.

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For customers who rent out property

We know what kind of complications can be involved with commercial activities for these kinds of business owners. Your insured customers will have help whenever they have a legal problem with their business. From legal advisory services on commercial procedures to assistance with disputes deriving from their business activity.

Coverage detail

  • Insurance coverage
  • Covers

SafeTravels, el nuevo concepto de seguridad global para viajar

Basic Legal Defense Insurance Documents for SMEs and Self-Employed

Imagen de 45 por 45 píxeles de icono pdf

General conditions Legal Defense Insurance for SMEs and Self-Employed Basic

Imagen de 45 por 45 píxeles de icono pdf

Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)

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Informative note Legal Defense Insurance for SMEs and Self-Employed Basic

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Llama 917 700 710

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